Sunday 8 May 2016

Mir and Mirza Ghalib

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Mir and Mirza Ghalib[edit]

Mir's famous contemporary, also an Urdu poet of no inconsiderable repute, was Mirza Rafi Sauda. Mir Taqi Mir was often compared with the later day Urdu poet, Mirza Ghalib. Lovers of Urdu poetry often debate Mir's supremacy over Ghalib or vice versa. It may be noted that Ghalib himself acknowledged, through some of his couplets, that Mir was indeed a genius who deserved respect. Here are two couplets by Mirza Ghalib on this matter.
*Shaikh Imam Bakhsh Nasikh of Lucknow, a disciple of Mir. Ghalib and Aish were opponent to each other but both of them believed the superiority of Mir and also acknowledged Mir's superiority in their poetry.

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